A new update of Ruleset Wizard has been released today, with some fixes and an interesting feature: Ruleset generation!
version 0.3.4
- Change the use of stringfields to stringcontrols in Labels to ensure FGU compatibility
- Fixed a crash when there were special characters in the name of a control
- Add a Compilation option to Ruleset properties to allow you to generate an Extension or a standalone Ruleset
Now in the Ruleset properties pages you have some new options:

First of all is Compilation type, where you can choose Extension (by default) or Ruleset. If you choose Ruleset two new options are presented: Ruleset Logo File and Import Ruleset (with “CoreRPG” by default).
Now, when you click on Generate button the Wizard will generate an extension (.ext) or a Ruleset (.pak) file, ready to go to Fantasy Grounds!