Thankfully the time available is allowing to release updates more frequently. Here is 0.8.5, let’s see what it brings:
version 0.8.5
- Property ‘Drag Icon’ added to Dice Roll structure.
- Added forceLoadModule to RulesetWizard script.
- Added background color and zoom capabilities to Icon Editor.
- Added background color and zoom capabilities to Frame Editor.
- Added function template helper to Script Editor.
- Allow drop files on Ruleset Explorer to Add New Frames, Icons and Fonts to the project.
New ‘Drag Icon’ property added to Dice Roll structure
This property allows to set the icon that will be displayed during drag and drop operations of dice rolls.
Zoom and Background features in Icon and Frame editors
From now on, the Icon and Frame editors allow you to zoom the image and change the background color to improve the display of small and light-colored images.
New Function template helper in Script editor
The script editor has a new function template selector, which allows adding the default template of some common global procedures:

Creating Icons, Frames and Fonts by dragging from the file explorer
Now, to bulk create Frames, Icons, or Fonts in the project, just select the corresponding files in Windows Explorer and drag them on top of any folder in the Rulesets Explorer. The wizard will then ask what type of element you want to create and will automatically add them to the project with default parameters.
You can also drag the files on top of the corresponding create buttons on the toolbar, and the effect will be the same, only it will not ask what type of item you want to create, and they will be added to the currently selected folder.