A new update, 0.8.8, is now available, with many fixes and improvements coming from user requests. Let’s see what it brings:
version 0.8.8
- Improved the Dice roll engine to allow some manual rolls (thanks to the_zenith_).
- Added Alt+C shortcut to edit Development Comments in window editor.
- Development comments are added to the control xml code on compilation.
- Movement/resizing of controls by arrow keys could not be undone. Fixed.
- Tabs were not selected when dragging and dropping. Fixed.
- Changed default enconding of files to utf-8.
- Standardize the source code format when generating the ruleset file.
- Added option to change the general appearance of the interface between light, medium and dark.
- Allow the use of any type of file as an icon.
Standardize the source code format when generating the ruleset file
The generation of xml and lua code in the final rulesets and extensions files has been modified to conform to Fantasy Grounds standards and facilitate code review.
Light, medium and dark modes
In this version comes a first approach to dark modes in the application. It is not the most optimal or elegant solution, but it is something that will be improved over time.
To switch between the different modes Light (default), Medium and Dark just press the new button on the interface:

Allow the use of any type of file as an icon
Since the last update of Fantasy Grounds there is the possibility of using more types of graphic files as assets in our projects. From now on the wizard allows to use any type of file as source for graphic elements (icons and frames).