0.7.0 Update: LUA Code Autocomplete

A new major update is released today with an important improvement, LUA Code Autocomplete: version 0.7.0 Added autocomplete capabilities to LUA editor. To use this new feature just start typing in the LUA code editor or press the key combination ctrl+space, then a list of options to choose from will be displayed, similar to many…

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0.6.7 Update

version 0.6.7 Change storaging of Git credentials to registry. Improve drag and drop in Ruleset Explorer. Keep Ruleset Explorer items sorted. A small update focused on improving the usability of the Ruleset Explorer tree. Drag and drop has been improved in large lists of objects and it is always kept ordered to allow to quickly…

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0.6.6 Update

Version 0.6.6 has just been released with some minor fixes and some new properties and features: version 0.6.6 Added Empty Icon property to Token control. Added Hover Cursor property to controls. Added Button field property to button controls. Added global icons list. Empty token property not working properly. Fixed. Changed name of included project to…

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0.6.5 Update

Version 0.6.5 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes and some improvements resulting from user requests. Also this is the first update that uses the auto-updater built into version 0.6.4. If you are currently on this version you will see the new updater button appear at startup: So just click the button and…

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0.6.4 Update

Version 0.6.4 has just been released. It brings some minor fixes and a quite requested feature, the auto updater. version 0.6.4 Sometimes when generating the result file, the z-index order was lost. Fixed. Check for new versions of the app on startup and show an auto-update button. Automatic updates Now, when starting Ruleset Wizard, the…

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0.6.2 Update

Version 0.6.2 has just been released, let’s see what’s new: version 0.6.2 Copying controls between windows will keep the name if it is not duplicated. Bind window controls selection between Designer and Object Explorer Fixed an error selecting a new result file in project properties. Fixed Ruleset Explorer scrollbars. Added option to import assets from…

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0.6.0 Update

After several weeks of development, a new major update is released today. Version 0.6.0 comes with some bug fixes, some improvements, and major changes to the internal structure of the project file. These changes in the structure are intended to allow us to integrate our projects with modern collaboration and source code management tools (e.g.…

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0.5.2 Update

Today comes a new weekly update with a few small improvements resulting from user requests: version 0.5.2 Added grid overlay option to Window designer. Avoid image files locking. Expand by default all complex properties in Property Grid. New grid overlay in Window designer There is a new set of buttons in the window designer toolbar,…

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0.5.1 Update

Version 0.5.1 has just been released, let’s see what’s new: version 0.5.1 Window controls remained in Object explorer list afted deletion. Fixed. Added Sort by property to Window List controls. Added Filter by property to Window List controls. Added Zoom capability to Window Editor (Ctrl + mouse wheel) Zoom capabilty in Window Editor Now you…

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0.5.0 Update

Ruleset Wizard has reached a new milestone with version 0.5.0 “Ettin”. The next updates will be focused on providing power users with more advanced development tools. This version comes with some corrections and some improvements for more advanced users. Let’s see them. version 0.5.0 Added Can Grow property to subwindow control. Added No Default Item…

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