
Fantasy Grounds is a product and trademark property of SmiteWorks USA LLC. Ruleset Wizard is not developed by Smite Works and is not an official Fantasy Grounds product, so you can not demand support from them. Although, extensions/rulesets generated with Ruleset Wizard are compatible with Smite Works’ Fantasy Grounds Unity version (Compatibility with the Classic version cannot be assured, as it is no longer supported by Smite Works, and some advanced functions require features from the Unity version).

Ruleset Wizard projects can be used and shared under the Ruleset Wizard license agreement. Any material created for use in Fantasy Grounds must be used in accordance with the Fantasy Grounds user license agreement.

Ruleset Wizard is a personal, fan-made project, so it’s progress will depend on many factors. There will be no scheduled updates, but there is still much room for improvement, and development will continue until a final version that satisfies all users.

Early access is not supported in any way, however the awesome Fantasy Grounds community (and myself) are always willing to help others ruleset developers. In addition there will be more video tutorials often.

Ruleset Wizard is still in beta version, so you can find some ocassional and unexpected crashes. Save your work often and keep backup versions of your projects.

Creating rulesets is a complex task. The higher level of automation you want to achieve, the more difficult it will be, and you will need to learn create LUA scripts. You will also need to know the Core RPG object model and how the classes already implemented work. Be patient, read the Fantasy Grounds developer guide, look for examples in my videos or in already created rulesets, and ask in the forum or in the discord channel if you have doubts. Is a somewhat overwhelming task at first, but very satisfying when results are achieved, don’t give up.

The program requires Windows 8 or 10, and .Net Framework 4.7.2. It will run smoothly in any core I3 or higher (or equivalent) with 4 Gb of RAM. It has not been tested on older systems or other operating systems with windows emulators.

If you agree with all of the above and you want to sign up for the early access program you can continue to the checkout page here.

You can also dowload a free demo. This free version has the following features and limitations:

  • You can use all the editors and all its features.
  • You can generate working rulesets for use with Fantasy Grounds.
  • You can not load or save Ruleset Wizard projects.
  • You don’t receive automatic updates on new releases.

Download the free Ruleset Wizard demo